So here I sit on my palm tree bower my prison, (to quote Coleridge, sound educated and do him a favour by making him modern and relevant) on my balcony looking over the Burj al Arab (the 7 star hotel in the shape of a sail), a cool 29 degrees, the two imitation Crystler buildings off in the distance, some awesome marinara to my left and a glass of NZ's finest to my right. Don't really think it could get better that this. Actually it could. The bar below have installed a masive screen in the beer garden so the sporadic bellows of blokeish glory seem to be travelling up to level

8. I am only every so slightly understanding as Man United are playing Liverpool, and other than Chelsea they are the only soccer teams I know, so it must be a big game. I'll fix that with a bit of overpowering Brittany and some Disney classics. Yes, High School Musical too. I am so cool amongst 12-15 year olds- didn't you get the memo?
Great,can't wait for the Jordan blog